4 Band Puzzle Ring Solutions

Find your product code on the left hand column to match with your puzzle ring. If unsure which puzzle ring you have start with the 1st video of the 4B141 puzzle ring. The 4B141 puzzle ring is the classic Turkish Puzzle ring and most puzzle rings follow this same pattern.

Product Code Video Solution
4B141, 4B142, 4B141DY, 4BX1, 4BX2, 4BX3, 4BX1D,4BX13D, 4BX7D3, 4BX7R6S, 4W13S, FANCY, and 4PY
4B141, 4B142, 4B141DY, 4BX1, 4BX2, 4BX3, 4BX1D, 4BX13D, 4W13S, 4BX7D3, 4BX7R6S, 4W13S, FANCY, and 4PY  (ESPAÑOL)
4BDS, 4PSL, 42SL, 42SM, 4BDG, 4PGL, 42GL, 42GM, 4BMS, and 4BMG
4KNS and 4KNG
4TPSL and 42TSM
4CSL and 4CSM
4ANS and 4ANG
4WB, 4L, 4C1, 4G, 4N, 4T, 4NX, 41N, 4DL, and 4RG
42SL, 42SM, 42GL, and 42GM
4WSL, 4WGL, 4YGL, 4WGDL, 4YGDL, 4WSM, and 4WSG
4PSL and 4PGL

 All the pictures, videos, downloads in PuzzleRing.Com have been copyrighted.