General Written Solution
4 Band Solutions: with details for completing the 5BDS, 7BDS, 7BCS, & 72SM To see this solution in action click here.
STEP 1: Identify the two outside bands. The two outside bands will have points to them. You must position then into the shape of a diamond < > like this. This will ensure they are in the correct position for the next steps. (For the 5BDS you will have 3 outside bands and for the 7 Bands you will have 5 outside bands) |
STEP 2: Once you have identified the two outside bands and put them into the shape of the diamond < > you will turn them at the same time clockwise around the circle of the remaining two bands so they will hang from the bottom. DO NOT let them drop to opposite sides as this will cause them to be in the wrong position for step 4. |
STEP 3: You will now work with the two crossing bands. The bands will be twisted into each other, and I recommend you work with them face down and the diamond < > shape bands hanging down. One of the top crossing bands will have dimple or a grove in it the other will have a completely smooth top. Making sure the smooth band is on top turn the smooth band counter-clockwise into the band with the dimple. This will trap the diamond < > shape bands into a figure 8 configuration. Some trial and error is expected at this point as you need to be sure the bands are aligned correctly. If the bands do not fit smoothly with each other try twisting the bands to ensure the smooth band is on top of the dimpled band. |
STEP 4: Turn the ring face up so you can see the figure 8 with the diamond < > shaped bands facing you as well. You will now take the outer most band from the diamond shape < > and feed it into the figure 8. You will understand which bands is the outermost because it has the widest angle. You will turn it into the top circle of the figure 8 making sure as you turn it into the circle it will lay on top of the remaining band. You may need to let the top crossing bands loose a bit so that the point of the outside bands can fit through the top circle. Once inside it will act like a hinge and fold neatly into place. If it does not this means that it has gotten trapped underneath the reaming band and you will need to return it to its previous location and try again making sure that as you turn it into the circle it rest on top of the last band. |
STEP 5: Turn the ring so the remaining band points to the right. > Then you will once again feed it into the top circle of the figure 8. You will need to let the three bands that are in place very loose so that you can fit this band into its position. Again once you have fed it through the circle you will be able to fold it down like a hinge. This step can be the most difficult because you will need to juggle letting the ring loosen a bit but not too much that the whole puzzle falls apart. |
STEP 6 (for the 5BDS): The 5BDS will follow the same pattern as the above mentioned solution but one side of the diamond will have two bands like this << >. You will follow steps 1 through 5 and then you will have one extra band. nd like braiding hair you will turn the ring again so that the remaining band is again pointing to the right > and you will feed it through the top of the figure 8 circle. |
STEP 7 (for the 7 Band Rings): Like the 4 bands and the 5BDS you will need to place your bands into the shape of the diamond but yours will look like this <<< >>. You will need to pay attention to the positioning of the <<< >> diamond shape bands as when you begin to feed them through the figure 8 you want to start with the widest point and then turn the ring take the next widest point and feed it into the figure 8. You need to make sure you are always turning the ring so you are essentially braiding the bands into the figure 8. You will never feed two bands from the same side in succession. |
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